Our Topic at the moment is:

'Under the Sea'
Our topic at the moment is 'Under the Sea'

Thursday, 27 February 2014


Firstly, sorry for the lack of posts this week, it has been a very busy first week back. Here's hoping next week will be calmer! 

We have started our new topic of Space this week and we are already learning a lot. Our focus this week has been the moon landing. 

We begun by dispelling any myths that the moon is made of cheese...although that would be very cool!

We made our own craters in wet sand.
We used different objects to create the varying sizes of craters.

We learnt about the three astronauts that were sent into space in 1969 to become the first people on the moon.

The next thing we did was learn about rockets, their components and the purposes of each part. This is in preparation to use making our own rockets. Yesterday we all designed a rocket and thought carefully about the shape and size with regards to aerodynamics. 

This afternoon we have begun to make the rocket starting with the body. 

Pictures of our rocket building to follow!

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Maths-addition using iPads

Yesterday we had a lovely visit from one of our governors. Mrs Marlow came to work with us in our maths lesson. We used the iPads to practise our addition skills on a bingo game. We were able to work collaboratively with a partner and take turns on the game, we even helped each other with the calculations. We had a busy lesson because as well as playing bingo some of us also practised writing numbers to 10. We used the 'little writer' app which helped us to form the numbers correctly.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Story Night- a sneak preview

Here are a couple of pictures from our 'story night'. There are more to follow on here and the school blog.

Ground Force Day- Bug Hotel

This afternoon key stage one and reception children have been outside for the ground force day building a bug hotel. The 'bug hotel' will eventually be an inviting and comfortable home for a variety of bugs and creatures. We have used only natural materials to accommodate the fantastic wildlife.  Here are some photos of what we have done. 

We are very lucky to have waterproof suits so we didn't get too wet when the quick rain shower happened.

The tube will make a nice bed for a family of hedgehogs!

We got very muddy!

Monday, 3 February 2014

Mathematics- doubles

The concept of 'doubles' was introduced to us today. We doubled sets of objects and began to record corresponding sums.

Double 10

Double 2

Recording our work